Thunderbird 4 Life
One of the core identities of the TFA is that once you’re a Thunderbird, you’re a Thunderbird forever. Whether you practice rostered for 4 months or managed to play 7 years (yes, we know you exist!), you are part of the Thunderbird family.
And that’s a thread that runs from being a prospect, to a new player, to a new alumni, to a mid-career alumni and to established alumni right into the grave (and beyond).
Which is why we offer programs that give more established alumni a chance to support younger alumni as well as a chance to socially connect with guys across generations.
The Thunderbird for Life Mentorship Program provides ambitious, young members of our community with access to the experience and expertise of our more established members. Our established members represent a wide range of businesses and professions in Vancouver, across Canada, and globally.
The Thunderbird for Life Mentorship Program provides practical resource materials and simple process steps to help both mentors and mentees have a productive and fulfilling engagement.
Sign up HERE.
Thunderbird for Life Events take two forms:
1) Mastermind Events, and
2) Social Events
The purpose of Mastermind Events is to provide topical insights and expertise that supports the success of our younger alumni as they develop in their careers and in life.
TFA Social Events take place in casual environments and provide a forum for camaraderie and networking.
Personal Board of Advisors
The Peer Board of Advisors is a program for mid-career alumni. It operates like a mastermind with 6-8 alumni and a chair meeting once a month to provide advice and a sounding board for fellow alumni.
We’ve received phenomenal feedback and are looking to grow the number of PBoAs running. If you are interested or just want more information contact